January 19, 2022
Bill and Bob marked 8 years on the air (Jan. 22, 2014) by saluting the Bengals (and superfan friend-of-the-show Kathy Greiner) with “Eye of the Tiger” after their playoff win, and celebrating the birthdays of Janinne Thompson, Robert Palmer and Janis Joplin. For all you Blue Snakes & Banjos superfans, check out our very first show.
January 27, 2021
Jane Thompson joined Bill to celebrate Part 2 of BS&B’s seventh anniversary, plus each of their birthdays (Jan. 26 and Jan. 29), and her return to living in Cincinnati for the first time in 15 years. The event featured tunes from the first show on Jan. 22, 2014 (Jayhawks, Rolling Stones), Jane’s picks (Barenaked Ladies, Taylor Swift) and much more.
January 20, 2021
Bob went back in time to kick off the first segment of Bill and Bob’s two-part Seventh Anniversary Snake-a-palooza. Due to Covid restrictions, the studio was uncharacteristically empty of fans, suits, hangers-on and the like who are usually on hand to help celebrate. So, to combat the loneliness Bob dug deep in the alt-country roots catalogue with John Hartford, the Byrds, PPL, Stones, Lightnin’, Dylan, Duane Jarvis, Linda Ronstadt, Johnny Cash, Uncle Tupelo, Old 97s and many, many others. He also paid tribute to Leadbelly’s birthday and to Bill’s upcoming 70th. Bill will swoop in next week with Part B of the anniversary celebration.
January 29, 2020
Is it possible to pack too much awsomeness into a single radio broadcast? Radio theorists have argued about this since the time of Marconi. But Bob and Bill are doers, not talkers. OK, they are talkers, but last night they were also doers. They have done proved that you can have unlimited awsomeness in a single radio show. To wit, last night the guys celebrated the show’s sixth anniversary AND Bill’s birthday. They did this while hosting a studio chock full of guests and playing a heap of great music and juggling a sometimes fickle audio board. Who says men can’t multitask? The real question is, “How much awsomeness can you handle?”
January 23, 2019 — Fifth Anniversary Show
Numerology holds that the number 5 is the most dynamic and energetic of all single-digit numbers. It’s unpredictable, always in motion, and constantly in need of change. Sounds a lot like our fifth anniversary show when a handful friends were in the studio to help us mark this auspicious event.